My life so far

This is the place where you can find out about my life so far. Oh, and about me, too. It's always about me!!

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Today was the Beltane celebration at our church. We belong to an earth-based Pagan themed UU group. We meet every Sunday afternoon, but we really go all out to celebrate our high holidays, about every eight weeks or so. This holiday was extra-special for me because my best friend and her daughter were able to be here with us. I had not seen them for a while, so it was good to see her, and her new tattoo. I'm always excited to see new tattoos and hear the stories behind them.

Today, in honor of Beltane, we had a maypole (of course! What is a May celebration without a maypole?!) and after the dancing of the maypole, we had a potluck dinner. We always have a potluck dinner after the rituals on our high holidays. We have a very diverse group of people that attend our rituals, so we have a very wide variety of foods at the potlucks. Desserts are of course the most popular and the most plentiful. There are vegan dishes, vegetarian dishes, and "regular" dishes with meat in them. It's always fun to see what people bring. Tonight we had the most wonderful home-made feta and goat cheese balls. Wow, they were great! I like feta! And, it seems that I like goat cheese, too. :-) I am mostly a vegetarian, so I was very happy to find there were mostly vegeterian dishes tonight.

Since I last posted here, my family has gotten a dog. He is half husky and half german sheppard (we think anyway. We are not completely certain about the german sheppard part. He looks a lot like a wolf.) He is about 80 pounds right now, and the top of his head comes to my hip when we are standing side by side. I am 5'9" tall, if that gives you any indication of how high the dogs head comes. He is a beautiful dog and really smart. I am not normally a big dog person, but he is a really neat dog. He likes to play this stomping game. First he will stomp his front feet at me and then he wants me to stomp back at him. When I do, he takes off running around the yard like a maniac, barking joyously the entire time. The one bad thing that I have found so far is that his claws are extremely sharp, and he is not shy about using them. That and he drools...


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